3 website to make money online

1. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing How it works: It’s a self-publishing website: You write a book and Amazon will help you get it published on Kindle. Highlights: You’ll be a self-published author, and if everything goes right, theoretically you could make some good money. By everything going right, you’ll need people to presumably already follow you on social media and be interested in what you have to say. You'll get royalties, either 35% or 70%, depending what you choose. It sounds obvious that a 70% royalty is better, but there are various rules you’ll have to adhere to. For one, you’d have to price the book between $2.99 and $9.99. If you go with 35%, you can charge whatever you like. You’ll want to do some research on this before making a decision. 2. Fine Art America How it works: It’s a website where you can set up an account, upload your images and start selling your artwork to potentially millions of buyers around the world Highlights: You’ll keep whatever you charge. It’s the customer who pays additional commissions, generally 30%, or fees. And there are several types of art or products with art on them sold here. You could sell paintings, T-shirt designs, greeting cards and more. Drawbacks: What if you painted a painting, and nobody bought it? That could definitely happen – and there are a lot of artists for people to choose from. Time investment: It could take a lot of work, if you’re an artist and a perfectionist. It could take less if you’re a skilled artist who really knows what they’re doing. 3. Fiverr How it works: This is a popular website that can be helpful for freelancers. Know something about digital animation? You can work for someone who doesn't have these skills and pick up some extra cash. Even better, you can offer to compile web research for someone. Highlights: You can make good money from the site, says Dan Bochichio, a web designer and digital strategist in Albany, New York, who runs a small business called Bocain Designs. He says his firm sometimes earns $3,000 to $5,000 a month on Fiverr.

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